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Tin tức

Bên cạnh các chương trình khuyến mãi - hỗ trợ người tiêu dùng, PINACO thường xuyên tổ chức các hoạt động vì sự phát triển của xã hội và cộng đồng. Thêm vào đó, PINACO luôn xem bảo vệ môi trường vừa là nhiệm vụ vừa là trách nhiệm. Tất cả các hoạt động này đã tạo nên một PINACO vững mạnh ngày hôm nay, xứng đáng với danh hiệu “Thương Hiệu Quốc Gia” duy nhất trong lĩnh vực sản xuất và kinh doanh sản phẩm Pin - Ắc quy của Việt Nam.

Tin nội bộ

Summary Conference 2020

On January 9, 2021, Southern Battery Battery Joint Stock Company (PINACO) held a conference to review the work in 2020 and deploy the work tasks in 2021.

Attending the Conference, on the side of superior leaders, there were Mr. Phung Quang Hiep, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee - Member of the Board of Directors - General Director of Vietnam Chemical Group. On the side of the Company, there are 193 delegates, composed of: Board of Directors of the Company, Leaders of member units, Engineers, bachelor degree 4 or higher, emulation soldiers in 2020 and Party members. of the Company's Party Committee.

Overview of the Conference

The conference heard Mr. Le Van Nam, Secretary of the Party Committee - General Director of the Company present the Summary Report for 2020 and deploy the direction and tasks for 2021.  Accordingly, in the context of the global Covid-19 epidemic, The damage is huge for the whole society. The general level of enterprises, specifically the enterprises in the Group, has a decline of more than 10% and there are times when production has to be stopped. Faced with such difficulties, the Company has strived so that the results of the Company's targets are not significantly affected with revenue reaching 97%, production value increasing by 6% over the same period, export Exports were able to develop 3 new markets: Japan, Thailand, and Bolivia, with a total export turnover of 27 million USD. The company continues to maintain its leading position in the market and is one of the companies with the highest growth rate and average income in the whole Vietnam Chemical Group. This shows that we can overcome difficulties, challenges, with determination, unity and creativity.

Mr. Le Van Nam - Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director of the Company spoke at the Conference

Regarding the direction and mission in 2021, strive to achieve revenue of VND 3,800 billion, profit of over VND 200 billion, perfecting the salary policy towards salary and income associated with contribution results and work efficiency of each person. individuals or units. Consolidate and perfect the organizational structure and management system for the whole company. Completing relocation of Con O Battery Factory (before June 2021), completing phase 1 and starting construction of Dong Nai 1 Battery Factory in An Phuoc Industrial Park.


Mr. Phung Quang Hiep - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Member of the Board of Directors, General Director of Vietnam Chemical Corporation  spoke at the Conference

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Phung Quang Hiep, General Director of Vinachem recognized and praised the company's achievements in 2020, the Group's General Director asked Pinaco to improve its labor management plan. , in terms of productivity, inventory ... to strive for Pinaco to become a strong brand, a leading unit in the Group, continue to carry Pinaco's enthusiasm, tradition of solidarity, determination to complete the mission in 2021.

The conference has commended and rewarded the collectives and individuals that have achieved the following titles and achievements in 2020:

Commendation to collectives and individuals awarded certificates of merit by the Prime Minister

Commendations for collectives and individuals awarded certificates of merit by the State Capital Management Committee at enterprises in 2019

Commendation for the collective achievement of emulation in December 2020

Commendation for collectives and individuals achieving achievements in 2020


Commendation  for good performance in quality work in 2020


Commendation of TVP group participating in the competition to improve productivity and quality in Industry and Trade 2020, awarded certificate of merit by the Ministry of Industry and Trade

2020 is an extremely difficult time due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, rains and floods in the Central region. The company faced many difficulties, both in terms of production, sales, export, import and investment. The company has made a very positive impression, creating the strength to overcome the most difficult times. The task in 2021 with many challenges, the epidemic is still complicated, no one is sure whether "the epidemic will break out again or not". The company calls on all employees with a strong spirit, solidarity, initiative and creativity, determined to exceed the 2021 plan to be worthy of being a Labor Hero.