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Bên cạnh các chương trình khuyến mãi - hỗ trợ người tiêu dùng, PINACO thường xuyên tổ chức các hoạt động vì sự phát triển của xã hội và cộng đồng. Thêm vào đó, PINACO luôn xem bảo vệ môi trường vừa là nhiệm vụ vừa là trách nhiệm. Tất cả các hoạt động này đã tạo nên một PINACO vững mạnh ngày hôm nay, xứng đáng với danh hiệu “Thương Hiệu Quốc Gia” duy nhất trong lĩnh vực sản xuất và kinh doanh sản phẩm Pin - Ắc quy của Việt Nam.

Tin nội bộ

PINACO firmly holds the position of leading battery manufacturer in the region

On the morning of June 20, 2020, Southern Battery Joint Stock Company (PINACO) successfully held the 15th Party Congress for the term 2020-2025. Attending and directing the Congress were Mr. Phung Quang Hiep, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director of Vietnam Chemical Corporation.

Totally exceeded the targets

The report on the implementation of the resolution of the Party Congress for the term 2015-2020 shows that the Party Committee of the Company has led and directed very effectively, exceeding all the set targets; PINACO's position in the market is strengthened, fair competition with rivals, payment to the State budget, high dividends and income of employees.

The Company's General Director - Mr. Le Van Nam spoke at the 15th Party Congress for the term 2020-2025.

Specifically, the Company focuses on promoting domestic consumption. With an existing distribution system of nearly 200 agents/distributors and more than 10,000 points of sale spread across the country, which is regularly consolidated and perfected, market information is reflected quickly and in a timely manner. Flexible and diversified sales policy to win competition and develop market share.

Promote exports in traditional markets, and at the same time seek new export markets. PINACO's products have so far exported to 34 countries and regions. Implementing brand promotion programs at regional sporting events such as the very successful AFF Cup 2018, SEA Games 2019 and the upcoming AFF Cup 2020 have further strengthened the brand's prestige and position. PINACO both in the domestic market and in Southeast Asia.

The company has specific plans and programs to accompany customers who are automobile and motorbike assembly companies; Up to now, Dong Nai battery brand has supplied to most assembly companies in Vietnam such as Honda, Yamaha, Piaggio, Ford, Mercedes, Hyundai, Truong Hai Auto, ...

In the last term, in order to improve battery production capacity, the Company has invested in many modern technologies such as negative card dryer, automatic bottle cap sealing machine and car battery terminal welding equipment. Especially put into operation odd equipment such as KMT car battery assembly line, double-sided plastering machine, CMF tank charging line system, leaf stacker, card loading machine, positive powder mixer; helping to remove bottlenecks for the entire production line, providing outstanding production efficiency and meeting market demand. For the battery industry, the zinc-rolling system, stamping and can-cutting machine R6 - 600, some newly invested equipment for R6 have contributed to a sharp increase in quality and efficiency for the battery industry.

Investment in research and development is a top priority. The company has completed research on EFB battery technology according to Japanese standards, telecommunications batteries, designing and creating EFB Din batteries according to EN standards, developing batteries for Vinfast. Cooperating with foreign experts on technology training consultancy and technical support for improvement for 3 product lines of golf cart battery, Hybrid battery, CMF battery and lead refining technology. Thereby meeting the maximum market demand and maintaining a strong growth rate.

Overview of the 15th Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term.

As a result, the lives of officials and employees are constantly improved. The company builds and strictly implements the collective labor agreement with many favorable terms for employees such as annual vacation visits, foreign tours for typical individuals, employees who are about to retire and key staff; buy health insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, retirement insurance for all employees.

Speaking at the meeting, General Director of Vietnam Chemical Group - Mr. Phung Quang Hiep, praised and recognized the achievements that the Party Committee of Southern Battery Joint Stock Company has achieved in the past term. . At the same time, it is emphasized that in the 2020-2025 term, there are opportunities as well as difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the key task is to focus on leading cadres, party members and employees in the entire Party Committee of the Company to continue to innovate thinking, determined to deploy and implement the spirit of the resolutions of the Congress. , striving to make PINACO become the leading battery manufacturer in the region.

Continue to invest in increasing production capacity

In the term 2020-2025, the Company's Party Committee sets the goal of "Improve the leadership capacity, combat strength of the Party and the quality of the contingent of officials and Party members; building a clean and strong Party Committee; boost production and business, improve efficiency, strive to become "the leading battery manufacturer in the region"; improve the material and spiritual life of employees; harmonize the interests of the State, enterprises, investors and employees”.

Election of the Executive Board for the 2020-2025 term.

On that basis, the Party Committee led and directed the Company to restructure the distribution system to further promote the existing distribution channel. Focusing on promoting the consumption of highly effective products, increasing the market share of motorcycle batteries, PA batteries and R03 batteries, exploiting the empty segments of the remaining product lines. Promote exports to ASEAN, Africa and Middle East markets, actively seek new markets to expand exports.

Change the production management method, improve the efficiency of machinery and equipment, and control product quality and costs well. Applying modern technology to create products of outstanding quality, diverse in categories, suitable for customers' needs, creating conditions for the Company to continue to grow sustainably, make good use of opportunities, search and expand the field of activity.

In investment work, continue to invest in increasing production capacity, diversifying products to keep up with market growth, and planning battery production in the direction of concentration and specialization. Build and put into use Dong Nai Battery Factory 1 in An Phuoc industrial park to increase battery production capacity to meet market demand. Continue to promote the existing production capacity of the battery industry in combination with investment in modernization to increase efficiency and seek opportunities for joint ventures and cooperation to develop new technological products.

Expand cooperation, association and investment in research and diversification of high-tech battery products to better meet domestic and export demand. Completing mechanisms and policies to attract talents, creating conditions for a team of talented engineers to research new products, new and improved technologies to improve quality and reduce product costs.

The Executive Board for the term 2020 - 2025 launched the Congress.

For PINACO, this is also the period when the Company deeply integrates into the international distribution chain. The task set for the Company's Party Committee is to both innovate in all aspects to meet higher requirements when integrating into the international economy while preserving and promoting the company's outstanding traditional characteristics. . The Party Committee calls on all Party members, officials and employees throughout the Company to uphold the spirit of solidarity, creativity, initiative, capacity building, and innovation in thinking to be able to promote the pioneering role. exemplary in all activities, standing side by side with the Company's Party leadership to successfully complete the objectives set out by the congress.

In a democratic and dignified atmosphere, the Congress elected a new executive committee consisting of 07 comrades; Mr. Le Van Nam, General Director, was elected as Secretary of the Company's Party Committee. The congress also elects 07 official delegates and 01 alternate delegate who will attend the Party Congress of the Vietnam National Chemical Group for the 2020-2025 term.