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Bên cạnh các chương trình khuyến mãi - hỗ trợ người tiêu dùng, PINACO thường xuyên tổ chức các hoạt động vì sự phát triển của xã hội và cộng đồng. Thêm vào đó, PINACO luôn xem bảo vệ môi trường vừa là nhiệm vụ vừa là trách nhiệm. Tất cả các hoạt động này đã tạo nên một PINACO vững mạnh ngày hôm nay, xứng đáng với danh hiệu “Thương Hiệu Quốc Gia” duy nhất trong lĩnh vực sản xuất và kinh doanh sản phẩm Pin - Ắc quy của Việt Nam.

Tin nội bộ

PINACO organizes the Conference of Workers Delegates in 2020

On May 30, 2020, Southern Battery Battery Joint Stock Company (PINACO) held the 2020 Employee Delegate Conference. Attending and directing the Conference, on the side of superiors, there were Mr. Nguyen Phu. Cuong - Chairman of the Members' Council of Vietnam Chemical Group, Mr. Nguyen Huy Thong - Chairman of the Vietnam Chemical Industry Union, Mr. Le Hoang - Head of the Secretariat of the Members' Council of Vietnam Chemical Group. On PINACO's side, there was the full participation of the Company's Board of Directors, the Board of Directors of the Enterprises, the Executive Committee of the Company's Trade Union along with the presence of 125 delegates on behalf of more than 1,200 employees in the company. .

Overview of the Conference

The conference listened to the report and agreed on the following contents: Results of the implementation of the Resolution of the employee conference in 2019 – Orientation and tasks in 2020; Report on financial activities, use of bonus fund, welfare fund, social security fund, deduction and payment of trade union fees and implementation of policies and regimes for employees; Report of the People's Inspection Committee; Report summarizing the opinions of employees to the draft of the 2020 Collective Labor Agreement.

2019 is the year that the Company is always in a state of local shortage of some products due to its capacity and tendency to rapidly change product structure, so production cannot keep up with consumption demand. However, we still comprehensively and exceeded all planned targets: Production and revenue both increased, new product lines sold well, factories were all producing at full capacity.

Mr. Le Van Nam - Member of Standing Committee of Party Committee, General Director of the Company reported at the Conference

Mr. Nguyen Phu Cuong - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Chemical Group spoke at the Conference

In 2019, the Company was also honored to be awarded with many outstanding awards and titles:

Emulation flag of the Capital Management Committee at the enterprise for successfully and comprehensively completing the task.
Emulation flag of the Vietnam Industry and Trade Union due to its outstanding achievements in the movement of emulating good labor and building a strong trade union organization.
Vietnam Chemical Group recognized the title of "Excellent Labor Collective" and rewarded the Company for its high revenue, profit, etc.
In the discussion, representatives of the Trade Union of member units and individuals had many opinions focusing on the following issues: Measures to perform production and business tasks in 2020; Investment work; Welfare policy for employees;... The contributions and recommendations of employees have been received and answered satisfactorily by Mr. Le Van Nam - Member of Standing Committee of Party Committee, General Director of the Company. to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the Employees.

With the spirit of solidarity and responsibility, the Conference unanimously approved the contents of the Collective Labor Agreement and the Resolution of the Conference of Workers' delegates in 2020. Mr. Le Van Nam - Member of the Standing Committee The Party Committee, General Director of the Company and the Employee Collective Representative are Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuc Quyen - Vice President in charge of the Company's Trade Union, signed the Collective Labor Agreement 2020.

The collective labor agreement 2020 has been unanimously approved

On this occasion, the Conference also announced the awarding decisions: Awarding the Creative Labor Certificate and Certificate of Merit from the Vietnam Industry and Trade Union to the Company's collectives and individuals that have made excellent achievements in the year. 2019.

Collectives and individuals were awarded Certificates of Merit by the Vietnam Trade Union

In order to successfully complete the tasks set for 2020, the Board of Directors of the company calls on all PINACO employees to promote the tradition of the heroic, dynamic and creative unit to overcome all difficulties. Overcome all weaknesses recognized in 2019, unite and stick together to successfully complete the tasks in 2020 and the following years.